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  1. Introduction

 This Policy has been agreed by the committee in response to requests from allotment tenants to be allowed to erect individual sheds and greenhouses on allotments. Allotment holders feel much more secure since security fencing has been erected and CCTV Cameras have been installed. Grandison Road Allotments has therefore decided to permit the erection of sheds and greenhouses, provided the following conditions are observed. Your Liverpool City Council tenancy agreement states that all buildings must be kept in a tenable condition. This policy is to help you understand what Grandison Road Allotments definition of that is and to clarify it for all allotment holders. Grandison Road Allotments can review this policy when they wish to ensure that it is being properly implemented by tenants.

   2.   Conditions

   2.1 Council Liability

 The Council or Grandison Road Allotment society do not accept any liability whatsoever arising from the introduction of sheds and Greenhouses on the allotments and the use of sheds on the site is entirely at the allotment holders’ risk.


  2.2 Design Standards

 One shed per plot only unless agreed by the GRA, to be constructed of wood, plastic or metal and secured to prevent uplift. Sheds must be temporary structures only, with a maximum size of 8’(l) x 8’(d) x 6’6” (h) with a pent or apex roof. Sheds may not be covered in broken glass, barbed or razor wire or any other hazardous material. You may apply for a variation on these size guidelines but it will be up to the committee to decide whether permission is granted.

  2.3 Position

 There must be at least 1 metre between the shed and the allotment boundary fence/path and any adjoining allotment. Sheds should not be placed where they block access to or create shade on adjoining plots.

   2.4 Condition

 Sheds must be maintained/painted and kept in safe order with a neat external appearance. Sheds must not become an eyesore. Decaying wood must be replaced.


   2.5 Fire safety.

 No unattended naked flame is allowed in wooden sheds.



   2.6 Tenants Liabilities

 1. To complete an application form before erecting a shed.

 2. To ensure that sheds comply with all conditions, including planning regulations.

 3. To remove the shed:

 a) At the end of the tenancy period, or

 b) If instructed by the Council on the grounds that the shed does not comply with the council’s conditions.

   2.7 Compliance.

      If the condition of your building falls below the standard you will be asked by a designated committee member to comply with the policy. Failure to comply will result in a warning letter which will issue 14 days’ notice to comply. Failure to comply after the 14 day period has expired will result in the removal of your building and a bill for its removal.

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