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Committee in charge rules for enforcement.

These clarifications are to protect the committee and the plotholders from misunderstandings and to promote good will. The committee in charge are volunteers doing a sometimes difficult job to keep the allotments open. Without a committee, the gates will be closed for good. It is the view of this committee that we should always work toward providing a nice safe and happy environment for us all to enjoy. So remember when we all signed those agreements when taking on the allotments we promised to follow the rules including and especially the committee.


  1. The committee may come on to your allotment at any time to inspect it, only if three committee members are present and only for good reason, this requires you to make your allotment accessible.

  2. Committee members are not allowed to come on to your plot alone without your prior permission to carry out his/her duties.

  3. Committee members are not allowed to approach any plotholder over disciplinary matters or allotment issues if he/she is alone or speak to a plotholder in a negative or threatening way. Disciplinary matters will be dealt with by three committee members to reflect a balanced view. Committee members will make quiet observations only and bring any issues to the committee, he/she should in no circumstances try to deal with these matters themselves.


  1. During the first three months of your tenancy, we appreciate that it may take some time to bring your allotment under proper cultivation. If you are temporarily unable to cultivate it, you should tell us in order to avoid premature enforcement action. In fairness to those on the waiting list, if it appears that you are not cultivating your allotment or you don’t pay your rent on time, and you have not contacted us to give a reasonable explanation, the secretary will contact you to try to resolve the issues. If no resolution is possible we will take immediate steps to end your tenancy. The committee in charge may approach you in a friendly manner to give advice during your probation, if you need us we are always assessable.


  1. Any breach of the powers given to the committee by the council will be treated severely and the committee member involved will lose their position on the committee. If any plotholder feels that any matter arising may not be dealt with fairly by the committee in charge they can use the ALA for mediation or indeed the council. The ALA and the council insist if you do so you will have to speak to your committee first otherwise they will not deal with the matter.


  1.  We will not as a society tolerate persistent or serious breaches of any of these rules and will take action accordingly.


  1. In matters of harassment or bulling or general complaints a plotholder can approach a member of the committee they feel comfortable with and tell them the issue. That committee member then will have a duty to deal with the issue in a fair manner that brings a positive outcome, with the permission of the plotholder involved he/she will then bring the issue to the committee.


Moving forward: this is an inclusive and fair society and open to new ideas, so if any of you would like to be a part of that future come and join the committee and be another voice for all of us.


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