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Grandison road Allotments Hen policy 
The following policy is devised for the keeping of hens on your plot at Grandison Allotments any Applications after 01/02/2019 will have to follow these guidelines.  
All hens must be kept in a coop, and should have: 

       1. At least 4 feet by 3 feet floor area for each bird.

       2. A perch for them to stand on while they sleep.

       3. An exercise space or ‘run’ accessed daily.

       4. A nesting box filled with wood shavings for the hens to lay eggs.

       5. The coop must be cleaned every week and fresh bedding put out.

       6. Hens must be feed the correct diet. 

You are permitted up to 6 small fowl on a full plot or half that amount for a half plot. 

Not more than ¼ of the plot should be occupied by livestock, the other is to be used for cultivation. 

Feed must be raised off the ground and kept in metal containers. 
Upon the society's permission to keep chickens on your allotment you must provide the committee with the number of chickens that you intend to keep.

If the number of stock kept on site exceeds the above number from February 1st, 2019, the plot holder must reduce his/her stock to the above immediately. 
Grandison allotments do not permit any other livestock to be kept on the site and no Cockerels are permitted on any allotment sites at any time. 

You are not permitted the introduction of Hens on to an Allotment plot that backs on to residential housing. Central plots only. This has given rise to problems, not least the following 
      • The wanton killing of hens by vandals, presumably for fun and increased                     vandalism to sites. 
      • Vermin infestation, due to poor husbandry in respect of livestock on the                       allotment site 
      • Nuisance from the noise and from smells 

    The Allotments legislation (specifically, section 12 Allotments Act 1950) 
Provides that .whilst it might be lawful to keep Hens on an Allotment site, such creatures shall not be kept in such a place, or such a manner; as to be 

       • Prejudicial to health (whether the health of the creatures, or humans); or 
       • A nuisance.    


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