On our allotment we come across all weird and wonderful things.
Some are kind to our crops and some are a real hindrance, one of which is the green shield bug, these mimic their name, green in colour, although they can be grey/brown, but they all have a shield shaped back.
This species can cause damage to some vegetables, especially runner and french bean pods, they have a long zapper that penetrates the stems of plants and sucks out the nutrients.
We have an abundance of wildlife on our allotment if you take the time to look closely.
A must for attracting onto your plot is the ladybird, these feed on aphids. Get a few canes and tie them up to your shed or greenhouse, ladybirds love to nest in these.
Please help by planting flowers to attract wildlife.
If you haven’t got room for a pond - find an area and make a small marsh. This will attract frogs to your allotment which will live off slugs etc.
Please use those finished Sunflower heads to leave out for the birds - sparrows, finches and tits love these.
Please be careful in the hot weather - If you leave a window open in the greenhouse, be sure to cover it with mesh so birds cannot get in and get stuck in your greenhouse!