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Probationary Notice


You will be made aware that you are on a three (3) month trial probationary period at Grandison Road Allotments.

Furthermore, you will be made aware of what your obligations relating to the maintenance of your plot and the minimum standard of up-keep required during this period and of the future.

Understand if you fail to achieve the required minimum standard, you will be asked to leave and your association with Grandison Road Allotments will be terminated.

In the first three (3) months on your allotment, your tenancy can be terminated without prior notice.

This would only happen if:

  1. You failed to attend to your plot on a regular basis and therefore allowed it to become overgrown or neglected.*

  2. You exhibited anti-social behaviour or exhibited behaviour deemed to be racist, such behaviours will not be tolerated by our Society.

  3. You entered another plot without permission and removed items belonging to another plot holder or the Grandison Road Allotment Society. The Society may also report this matter to Merseyside Police.


*(if you are unwell or there was a problem, then please let the Secretary or a Committee Member know, so that arrangements can be put into place to help with the management and maintenance of your plot).

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